Let's Talk

Let’s Talk: Bookstore GPS


When I go to a bookstore, I have a very distinct pattern that I take.  I recently realized how important it was because I went out of sequence and found myself lost and slightly disenchanted.  So here’s the method to my madness when I’m surrounded by books.

Obviously if there’s a coffee shop, I make a beeline there.

But I go by the magazines first, snagging some of my favorites. As soon as I have my coffee fix, I start pursuing the young adult section.  If it’s a large YA section, I start with fantasy.  Otherwise, I just start at one end and work to the other.

After YA, I check out any clearance or discount sections that the store has followed by journals.  Not that I need another empty page book, but I love looking at all the pretty bindings.

I strangely get inspired to write just looking at journals and see if there are any new books on writing or creativity.

After this, I’ll head to the kids section and look at what picture books are new and see if any middle grade books strike my fancy.  By this point if I’m with someone other than my sister, they’re usually done and ready to go.  Which always frustrates me.

Seriously, if I go to a bookstore with you, that’s like inviting you into my home.  You should know there is a process and that I love going to a bookstore; don’t rush me.

If I’m by myself, I’ll check out magazines if I didn’t go there first.  Then finish up by just walking up and down any aisles that are left to see if something out of the norm jumps out at me.

By that point, I usually have an armful of books that I haul over to the counter and someone makes a comment on the amount of books I just broke the counter with.  But they don’t realize how many books I said no to, because let’s be honest, a book lover wants to take every single one home with them.

So what about you?  Do you have a method to your bookstore madness, or do you just start in one aisle and work your way through the whole store?

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