
We have kids

So I was in the process of posting my foster update yesterday when we got the call that we were picked for kids. So I had to stop everything and start rearranging the house. We got placed with a sib set of 3: a 6-year-old boy, a 4-year-old boy, and a 1-year-old girl. Drop off went well. We thankfully had enough to keep them occupied while we did the paperwork and I got dinner ready. Being on my own with 3 kids who are curious and have not had structure while my husband got a booster seat, was a little challenging. Our kids did well with dinner, but they started getting tired and that’s when the heartbreak started. They just wanted to go home.

It’s a different feeling when a kid is pushing the rules because they just want to go home. There is more grace in that moment than the headstrong kid who is pushing the boundaries for a power struggle. There’s also heartbreak as you try to console a sick one-year-old who just keeps saying mama and dada.

But eventually, everyone made it to sleep. Although my husband and I didn’t get the best sleep of our lives we’ll survive until tonight, maybe with a couple of ibuprofen to help. I haven’t built up my mom muscles yet, so I’m a little sore from carrying an 18-month-old and two bags of kids stuff. We’ll have to get some backpacks for the boys.

So we survived night one going from zero to three. We have a lot of baby proofing still to do. But I think we might make it.

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