calm in storm feature graphic

Find Your Calm

Self-care is all the rage right now, and I don’t see that as a bad thing. Anything that is done in excess can be bad, but usually, something becomes a focus because it was ignored for too long. I struggle with self-care. Not necessarily because of the typical issues like time and money, but because …

Better You Feature Graphic

Better You

Self-improvement and Self Care should be on everyone’s list, although in some ways it’s not required to improve parts of your future. But if you don’t work on yourself there’s no guarantee you’ll appreciate your future, like who you become, or have anyone to share it with when you get there. So work on becoming …

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4 Questions to Reflect on the Day

Most self-improvement people agree that reflection and journaling are keys to taking things to the next level. Having standard questions helps you spend your time focusing and not trying to figure out what to write about. There are a lot of questions you can ask yourself to achieve reflection and improve yourself, but these are …