Focus Journaling Self Improvement

4 Questions to Reflect on the Day

Most self-improvement people agree that reflection and journaling are keys to taking things to the next level. Having standard questions helps you spend your time focusing and not trying to figure out what to write about. There are a lot of questions you can ask yourself to achieve reflection and improve yourself, but these are four questions I think you should ask yourself at the end of every day for self-improvement.

1. What are three feelings you have right now? Why?

You may not always have three, and sometimes you may have more, but trying for three makes you dig past the surface and figure out what’s really going on. Limiting yourself to three also helps you dig down and not just spend a little time on a bunch of different emotions.

2. Where did you succeed, where did you fail today? What did you learn?

Identifing your highs and lows for the day help you know what to keep doing and what to give up. If you can’t identify success, or only see failure, even small ones, you may need to work on how to identify success in your life. If you only see success and never failure, you’ll have a hard time growing, because you won’t every identify the areas of growth in your life.

3. What/Who are you thankful for?

Reminding yourself daily of the things you have instead of focusing on what you don’t have is proven to improve your life.

4. What do you need to cancel, change, or continue tomorrow to be closer to your goals?

If we aren’t continually focusing on where we want to go and how we’re getting ylthere we may wind up lost in the middle of the doldurms not sure how we got there or how to get out. Review your goals and how your doing on accomplishing them.

Write these questions on the inside of your journal and reflect on them at the end of the day. You don’t have to have an answer for each of them each day, but the more you reflect on them the more often you will identify the answers as you go through your day.

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Journaling is an important for self-improvement. Here are 4 questions to help you reflect on the day.

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