Top 10 Tuesday

Top 10 Stories that get me in the Halloween Spirit


This is a meme hosted over at The Broke and the Bookish

  1. Goonies:  “Sloth love Chunk.”  And Shannan love Goonies.  Seriously who doesn’t love that band of misfit treasure seekers.  Halloween just wouldn’t be the same without them.
  2. The Halloween Tree:  I’m not sure how long this aired but it was a Halloween special cartoon that I always looked forward to  every year.  There was a boy sick in the hospital and his friends travel through time to discover how Halloween came to be and the secret to saving their friend.  I’ve never been a huge history buff, but I’ve always enjoyed origin stories.  There’s just something fascinating about learning why something is currently a part of our lives.
  3. Ernest Scared Stupid:  So can you tell I don’t really like to be scared?  All my go to Halloween stories are actually comedies.  This one is especially stupid, although the first couple times I watched it, I did get scarred by the monsters.  If you haven’t watched it, you should.
  4. The Oath: (or anything by Frank Peretti)-  Like I said, I don’t really like to be scared.  My imagination takes it to a whole fear level higher than intended.  That said, I love Frank Peretti stories.  He has a kid series that I loved reading back in the day.  I stayed up till 3 in the morning to finish one, then couldn’t go to bed.  My mom happened to do the same thing that night (same author, different book.)  But I seriously have problems sleeping after I read one of his books, and this is probably the scariest of them all.
  5. Hocus Pocus: Crazy witches, a legendary curse, and clueless parents; that’s great 90’s tv for you.  But the goofiness of it, especially with pop icons in the mix, makes one of my favorites.
  6. Psych Halloween Episodes:  This is a TV show for those of you that have never discovered the awesomeness of Psych (if this is true, get a Netflix account and binge watch it.  I promise you won’t be disappointed.)  Every season they had a Halloween episode that spoofed various pop culture connections to the holiday.  Again, you laugh more than hide behind your fingers.
  7. Community Halloween Episodes:  Another comedy TV show that you should binge watch after psych.  They might be more obscure in their pop culture spoofs than psych.  The Zombie episode is probably my favorite of them all.
  8. Skeleton Key:  This is probably as far as I can go on scariness.  Really more of a suspense movie.  One of my college friends had us all watch it, and the ending totally threw us for a loop.  I even own this one I like it so much.
  9. Doctor Who:  This is a level of scariness I can handle, although sometimes I have to handle it in the day time.  The ones that really put me in the Halloween mood are any with Weeping Angels or the Silence.  The Angels Take Manhattan was especially skin crawling because of the baby angels.  Things that are supposed to be sweet and innocent like kids and babies and turn out not to be are an extra dose of creepy in my book.
  10. Addams Family:  For my last one, it was a toss up between this and Casper, but Casper has some pretty sad parts, and like I said, I love to laugh, so Addams Family won.  I love the quirkiness of their humor and the fact they feel no need to apologize for who they are and how they’re different.  And at the end of the day, they’re a family who loves each other no matter what.


What about you?  What puts you in the Halloween Spirit?


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