declutter day feature graphic

Declutter Day

Declutter Day is how I take care of the clutter that just creeps into my house. With 3 kids here plus my house being the babysitting house, it just sneaks up on you over time. And unless you’re the best of the best, your house probably gets a little cluttered from time to time too. …

Better You Feature Graphic

Better You

Self-improvement and Self Care should be on everyone’s list, although in some ways it’s not required to improve parts of your future. But if you don’t work on yourself there’s no guarantee you’ll appreciate your future, like who you become, or have anyone to share it with when you get there. So work on becoming …

10 Christmas traditions I love feature graphic

Christmas Traditions I love

So part of having an abundant life is not just getting things done and achieving them. it’s about spending less time on the things you have to do to make more time for the things you want to do. And this time of the year is a perfect time to start stretching your priority mussels. …

why be more productive feature graphic

Why be more productive

So you might be wondering what productivity and time management has to do with finding your abundant life. Why be more productive? I learned early on in my adult life that these are necessary to finding your abundant life. I believe that if I’m efficient with the things I have to do that leaves more …

searching for the abundant life feature graphic

Searching for the Abundant Life

This is something that has recently been coming up for me. As I process life through my journal, I’m reminded that God promised us an abundant life. Who doesn’t want an abundant life? A life that is plentiful, rich, satisfying, full, and greater than could ever be dreamed? Sounds good to me. But even though …

If you read my backlog feature graphic

If you read my backlog

So if you’re new here, you’re probably wondering what this blog is about. Good question. Sometimes I didn’t even know. It’s gone through a lot of renditions and focuses over the year, mostly because every time my life shifts, what I focus on shifts too, and for that matter what I have time for changes. …

Dealing with Foster Disappointment feature graphic

Dealing with Foster Disappointment

So we’re still trying to finalize the details of the last placement, so that’s slowing down our house being back on the list in one of the main counties our agency gets referrals from. We are getting calls from other counties, but either the situation hasn’t been a good fit or we haven’t been picked. …

First Kids Feature Graphic

Our first kids came and went

The trick of blogging about foster care is how quickly things can change. Our first kids came and went the weekend before thanksgiving. Even though we only had the kids for five days, it was as terrible as you would guess. Now my heart is even more with the parents that say goodbye after 2 …