Abundant Life Foster Foster Care

Our first kids came and went

The trick of blogging about foster care is how quickly things can change. Our first kids came and went the weekend before thanksgiving. Even though we only had the kids for five days, it was as terrible as you would guess. Now my heart is even more with the parents that say goodbye after 2 years. Unfortunately, the kids had to move because there were some mistakes made in the placement process. I knew saying goodbye would be difficult, but I didn’t think about telling them they were leaving and how terrible that would be.

But even with how much it hurts and how crappy you feel in the end, I’m ready to go back into the fray. Giving the kids a safe home and some fun, even for a weekend, was worth it.

It takes a while to process things and looking back and knowing all the details now, I know it was a God thing. He’s been working through every step of this process. When we first started this process, we thought we would be ready by summer 2021 not fall 2020. But God kept pushing and nudging us and here we are, waiting for God to move again and lead us to the next yes.

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