Let's Talk

Let’s Talk: I have a disease called BADD

I have a terrible sickness I am dubbing “BADD”  It stands for Book ADD and it means I can never be reading just one book.  I know it’s super corner, but it’s a serious problem.  Rather I have five or more going at once.  Currently, I legitimately have six books going.  There are 8 books on my Goodreads shelf, but two of them I’ve let drop, so I’m not counting them.

Unhinged (Splintered, #2)

Unhinged by A.G. Howard:  Currently waiting to get this back from the library.  It’s about my 5th time to borrow it, not including renewals.  I don’t know why it’s taking me so long to get through this book. I really liked the first one and this one is good as well.

You Are A Writer (So Start Acting Like One)

You are a Writer by Jeff Goins:  This one poped up as a recommended book on Amazon and it was free in the Kindle Unlimited Library, so I added it in.  It’s an easy read, but a good one for anyone that wants to or is writing.

Adulting: How to Become a Grown-up in 468 Easy(ish) Steps

Adulting: How to Become a Grown-up in 468 Easy(ish) Steps by Kelly Williams Brown:  This has been on my TBR list for a while and I was trying to find something a little different from all the YA Dystopians I’ve been reading (I really like this genre and have been reading A LOT of these stories.)  I’m only 10 pages in and I laughed through them all.

Girl on a Wire

Girl on a Wire by Gwenda Bond:  I really didn’t want to start another book till I got through a couple of my current reads, but this one kept calling to me.  The story summery and the cover just intrigued me so much, not to mention the circus.  So I gave in and started this one as well.


Entwined by Heather Dixon-  Just started this as my current since since Unhinged is at the library for the moment.  I don’t really remember putting this on my list, but I’m glad I did.  It’s different from what I’ve been reading lately, which is exactly what I wanted.  I also didn’t realize until I was about 2 chapters in that it’s a retelling of the 12 Dancing princesses, which is a great fairy tale that’s often overlooked.

.  Allegiant (Divergent, #3)

Allegiant by Veronica Roth:  Another book I’m struggling to get through.  I was really excited for this book to come out, I just think there’s been so much time between Insurgent and Allegiant for me that it’s a little hard to get back into the world.  I also think I’ve OD’ed on YA Dystopian books lately and after this one I might switch gears for a bit.


I’m not really sure how I go developed the process of reading.  When I was younger I feel like I picked a book and went all in.  But I think it’s because of technology that I can easily have a book with me that causes me to have so many stories at once.


So what books are you reading?  Do you stick with one or have a bunch of different books going at the same time?


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